♥️Rediscover Fat Loss and Intimacy ♥️ Over 50 ♥️#menopauseweightloss #intimatewellness #fatlosstips
WHAT TO EAT AND HOW MUCH?? I take the guesswork out of it!
Let’s partner together: you deserve results.
INANA O2Nano™️ Femine Serum
Use code Connie25 for 25% off.
Clip this link for information about OXALATES https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S1BxZSzgQmuNU1SdkmZx5xFMZpe77gGo/view?usp=drive_link
BEAM Minerals Advanced Electrolytes and Micronutrient Support
Use CONNIE20 for 20% off
Book a Jumpstart Session with me to get started losing fat! https://connierutledgejumpstart.as.me/schedule.php
MassZymes Digestive Enzymes
Use code CONNIE104 at checkout.
Use code CONNIERUTLEDGE for 10% off
Ten tabs equal 30 grams of 99% bioavailable PROTEIN!
BulkSupplements.com for targeted Amino Acids
Use code CONNIE for 5% off.
GLYCINE https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=772571&u=4545149&m=53326&urllink=&afftrack=
Keto Chow is the tastiest low-carb meal replacement out there! You need it!
Salt of the Earth Premium Electrolyte Drink Mix
Use code OVER50FATBLAST for a 15% discount.
Pruvit Exogenous Ketones link: connierutledge.pruvit.com
MY FAVORITE!!!!Ketones to stretch your fasting window with ease!
Fullscript 15% off Professional-grade Supplements
Shop the catalog for all your supplement needs.
Check out my Menopause Supplement Stack!
Prime Protein Grass-fed Beef Isolate Powder
Use CONNIE for 15% off
RxSugar Allulose Snack Bars and Allulose EVERYTHING!
Use code CONNIE20 for savings!
NOBLE Grass-fed Beef Protein Complex
BEAM Minerals Advanced Electrolytes and Micronutrient Support
Use CONNIE20 for 20% off
Calocurb Amarasate® decreases hunger pangs & rebalances our hunger, and allows us to reset our natural metabolic levels.
Use code CONNIE10 for 10% off your first order
What does your meal do for your glucose and ketone levels? Using a KetoMojo for data will give you the edge for maximum Fat loss!
KetoMojo Glucose/Ketone Monitor 15% off
Mito Red Light for amazing rejuvenation for skin, sleep, and energy!
Use code CONNIE for 5% off
CBD oil to combat high cortisol-https://elementhealthsupply.com/
CONNIE15 To save 15%, I use Maximum Strength Full Spectrum Oil.
Clean skincare DRMTLGY 20% off
Vitali Copper Peptide Skincare 20% off
Save 10% on N1O1 Nitric Oxide Lozenges
Precision Peptide
Use code CONNIE to save 5% at checkout.
Limitless Life Nootropics Peptides
Use CONNIE10 for 10% off
Connie Rutledge Wellness
820 Walnut Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
DISCLAIMER: This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, Connie Rutledge will receive a small commission.
Connie is not a doctor. This advice is based on her personal experience with nutrition and 15+ years in her wellness practice. Please consult your doctor before starting any diet or exercise program.
Connie is a Certified Nutrition Coach, Board-Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist, Functional Bloodwork Specialist, and Wellness Resource for Today’s Aging Women.
I look forward to fasting long, feasting well & training smarter with you.
Come for the fat loss; stay for the longevity!
Connie ♡